Two major projects will make even more assistance possible. But these major projects can’t happen without people like you and your contributions. Will you consider partnering with us?
OB / Perinatal Wing
Physicians at Nhowe Mission hospital currently deliver 100-120 babies per month, including nearly 30 via cesarean section. We hope to provide funding for a dedicated OB/Perinatal Ward at the Nhowe Mission Brian Lemons Memorial Hospital. The facility will become part of the already-established 62-bed hospital. Childbirth is precarious in the region, particularly because AIDS is still a major problem that affects both mothers and babies. The added wing will allow the hospital to increase its ability to care for mothers and newborns as it is the only hospital offering this type of care in a 65-mile radius.
Youth Hostel for Zimbabwe Orphans
Our goal is to finance a 40-bed youth hostel for orphaned students at Nhowe Mission school under the oversight and guidance of loving house parents. One 40-unit home already exists and currently houses both boys and girls. When the second hostel is completed, one home will house boys and one will house girls. These children have little hope of finishing school without the assistance we hope to provide. Experience has shown that many of the most promising students coming through the school are the orphans we are currently supporting. Our long-range goal is to eventually provide a home for babies and children ten years and younger.